
June 30, 2017 at 10:00 a second auction for Rechitsapivo real estate will be held, the property is located at: 3A Molodezhnaya Street, Rechitsa, Gomel region.

The initial selling price is 4659 808.71 rubles. The value of the lot includes 16 buildings, 11 facilities and 15 units of transfer devices.



The premises are located on the land with an area of ​​more than 10ha. Total building area is of ​​31.7 thousand square meters.

 The applications to participate in the auction are accepted until June 28, 2017 at: office 2-6, 23 Artem Street, Gomel.

 For more detailed information please call at: 8 (02340) 6-39-11, (029) 374-30-21.