6 апреля 2015
Агентство примет участие в 18-м Евразийском Экономическом Саммите, который состоится 7-9 апреля в Стамбуле, Турция

Агентство примет участие в 18-м Евразийском Экономическом Саммите, который пройдет с 7 по 9 апреля в Стамбуле, Турция. Главным акцентом в рамках участия в мероприятии со стороны Агентства станет презентация  «Республика Беларусь как ворота на пространство ЕАЭС».

Темы 18-го Евразийского Экономического Саммита:

  • Финансы;
  • Телекоммуникации;
  • Информационные Технологии;
  • Энергия;
  • Транспорт и Логистика;
  • Экономическая мост: Шелковый путь;
  • Путь к миру.

Представляем краткий пресс-релиз по материалам организаторов (​полная версия по ссылке):

The topics of 18th Eurasian Economic Summit:



Information Technology;


Transportation and Logistics;

An Economic Bridge: Silk Road;

Road to the Peace.

Science and technology were always a determiner of politics throughout history. The new world order which was shaped in the 21st century has three dominant paradigms: Firstly, The USA, the winner of the World War II, declared its world leadership. Secondly, the USSR dissolved and established the Russian Federation by choosing a free market system. Thirdly, the People's Republic of China tried to adapt to the changing environment and caused substantial changes in the world economy. These three dominant paradigm became a legitimate base of the current global economy.

 Humanity is living in the age of internet after particular ground-breaking scientific developments such as the discovery of atom, the exploration of the space and the invention of computers. This era which is called the “New Economy”, is highly significant, even incomparable to the Industrial Revolution due to its more rapid changes.

New Economy with the internet being its engine,  effects the World Order and economy more than the World War II effected the world in the spheres of electricity, machines, means of transportation, cinema, radio and several related fields. There is a sort of tectonic transformation. The power and prosperity are shifting. While the ones who cannot adapt to the new circumstances  are losing, the ones who work through these channels are winning the game. The term of “Information Economy” which was first used in 1969 by the economist Peter Drucker, have been defined as the “Network Economy” recently. Computers are affecting our lives profoundly and main factor is the link between computers. Data transmission; in other words, the network is dragging the economy to a new level. Data transmission is arithmetically increasing the links and it causes geometric expansion. Each new member of a network enriches the whole value of that network. Besides, the ones who are among the off-system feel the necessity of becoming a member of a particular network.

 In the new economy, the physical walls and borders disappeared, and the place of manufacturing lost its significance. The data transmission between systems became the engine of international trade and economy. This new economy order brings along several personal experiences which differ from classical patterns of thinking. “Community-based economics” are on the horizon; and the motto of “New Economy” is, just as economist Peter Drucker says: “Results are obtained by exploiting opportunities; not by solving problems!”.