- Establishment of a legal entity
A resident of a free economic zone may already be created and passed state registration of legal entities with a location within the boundaries of the corresponding free economic zone. On the territory of the SEZ, the registration of legal entities is carried out by the administration of the SEZ.
- Investment project preparation
An investment project must meet the following basic criteria:
• the amount of investment should be equivalent to at least 1 million euros, however, if the investor is ready to invest within 3 years, then for this category of investors the minimum threshold for investment is reduced to 500 thousand euros;
• the investment project should provide for the creation and (or) development of production focused on export and (or) import substitution - Registration as a FEZ resident
To register as a FEZ Resident, the following documents are submitted to the administration of the corresponding FEZ:
• application in the form approved by the administration of the FEZ;
• certified in the prescribed manner copies of constituent documents with the presentation of the original documents;
• a copy of the certificate of state registration with the presentation of the original document;
• the business plan of the investment project in the form approved by the administration of the relevant SEZ;
• payment document confirming the payment of state duty - Signing an agreement on the conditions of activity in the free economic zone with the administration of the free economic zone
Links to FEZ sites: