- Appeal to the energy supply organization
- application for the issuance of technical specifications;
- title documents for a land plot;
- правоустанавливающие документы на недвижимость;
- legal documents of a legal entity
- Development of a power supply project
- contacting a design organization with a license for this type of activity. The design organization must submit:
- technical conditions;
- engineering and geodetic surveys;
- construction project with a local reference
- Approval of the project with the district power networks
- Purchase of electrical and technical equipment in accordance with the project and technical conditions
- Performance of electrical installation and commissioning
- Electrical work (carried out by a specialist licensed for the relevant type of activity)
- Verification of compliance of the work performed by the energy supplying organization (an act is issued based on the results of the audit)
- Connection of electrical installations and conclusion of an energy supply agreement with an energy supply organization