Dzmitry Krasouski

Director +375 (17) 200-81-75

Dzmitry Berezovski

First Deputy Director +375 (17) 200-81-75

Alexey Pushkarev

Deputy Director +375 (17) 200-81-75

Alexey Polivikov

Regional Development Department +375 (17) 200-22-19
  • About

    Regional Development Department

    • analysis of the investment attractiveness of the regions, determination of their competitive advantages and development of the most promising areas for attracting investments
    • development of proposals to expand the investment potential of the regions
    • formation of lists of the most significant investment initiatives for the development of the regions and development of appropriate strategies for attracting investment to the regions
    • promotion of a favorable investment image of the regions, including through PR campaigns, organization and participation in forums, conferences of investment orientation
    • coordination of the dialogue between the investment business community and regional authorities
    • implementation of a CRM system nationwide that allows optimizing the exchange and storage of information on the interaction of state organizations with investors
    • filling the Investor Roadmap portal with relevant content on regional investment initiatives and competitive advantages of regions

Отдел по сопровождению инвесторов

Vitaliy Zholnerovich

Investor Servicing Department +375 (17) 226-41-66

  • About

    Investor Servicing Department

    • organization of visits of potential investors to Belarus, including visa formalities, presentation of information about the country's investment opportunities, special regimes and benefits, state programs for the support and development of industries, as well as the procedure for starting a business, selection of objects for investment, consulting in choosing the best option
    • organization of meetings with potential partners, representatives of relevant ministries, local authorities, market regulators.


Public-Private Partnership Center +375 (17) 226-48-51

  • About

    Public-Private Partnership Center

    • evaluation of proposals for the implementation of PPP projects, including the concepts of PPP projects in accordance with the requirements of legislation
    • development and updating of the National Infrastructure Strategy of the Republic of Belarus together with public administration bodies
    • provision of advisory and methodological support to public administration bodies, organizations on the development of PPP, including the preparation and implementation of PPP projects
    • organizational and technical information support for the work of the Interdepartmental infrastructure coordination council
    • preparation of recommendations and proposals for the development of the regulatory legal framework in the field of PPP
    • improving the competencies of representatives of public administration bodies, organizations in the field of PPP
    • implementation of interaction with international organizations, development institutions, potential investors on the development of PPP in the Republic of Belarus, including the implementation of PPP projects

Отдел маркетинга и коммуникации

Tatsiana Yavorskaya

Marketing and Communications Department +375 (17) 200-38-05

  • About

    Marketing and Communications Department

    • preparation of information on the sectors that are priority for attracting foreign direct investment to the Republic of Belarus
    • development and implementation of measures to form the investment image of the Republic of Belarus abroad
    • implementation of the communication policy of the Public Relations Agency, interaction with the media
    • dissemination of relevant information about investment opportunities of the Republic of Belarus, business conditions, investment projects implemented in the country, and also about the Agency's services and events

Отдел сектора аналитической работы

Tatyana Marinovich

Department of Analytics +375 (17) 200-05-49

  • About

    Analytic department is the center of collection and analytical processing of information. Specialists of the department provide information support to the Agency's structural divisions, study the problematic issues of the implementation of individual investment projects in Belarus, followed by the development of proposals for improving the state investment policy, study the history of investment interaction with individual countries, as well as the potential and prospects for the development of this interaction; prepare analytical reviews of the current situation and predicted dynamics of the world and regional investment markets, the actual state and trends in investment activity in certain sectors and in the economy of Belarus as a whole; study the best practices for creating a favorable investment image and stimulating investment inflows in various countries and the possibilities of applying such practices in the Republic of Belarus.


Olga Zhukovich

Legal Department +375 (17) 200-88-36

Отдел административно-хозяйственной работы

Aleksey Semizhon

Administrative and economic department +375 (17) 200-86-79

  • Administrative and economic department

Hanna Kavalenka

Chief Accountant +375 (17) 200-88-74